Serent Capital: A Leading K12 Edtech Growth Partner

For over a decade Serent has been proud to partner with former teachers, administrators, and K12 entrepreneurs to build the future of K12 education

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Districts Served

Million Student
Lives Impacted

Using Serent Portfolio Products

Executives and Board Members
Placed in Our K12 Edtech Companies

Our Roots in Education

The education sector has been a core focus of Serent’s investment efforts since our founding in 2008. To date, nearly a fifth of all of our investments have been made in this sector. Our roots in education grow deep. From our Limited Partners which include several world-renowned institutions of higher education to one of our firm’s partners who is a former teacher for Teach-for-America, the mission of educating the next generation is engrained in our DNA.

Understanding of the Market Dynamics

Since 2008, Serent has partnered with 12 high-growth education businesses, including 8 companies in K12, to help them accelerate their growth. We have a deep appreciation for the nuances of serving this diverse market. With pedagogical and administrative needs differing widely by region, state, district and even individual rooftop, not to mention age range and student population type, addressing the K12 market is far from one-size-fits-all. Traditionally long sales-cycles and shifting federal, state and local funding sources add to the complexity. In our experience, success in the K12 market often requires a regional geographic ground-game with intimate local knowledge, grass-roots customer advocates, and relationship-based sales.

That said, COVID has caused tectonic shifts in K12 education. From blended learning transitioning from philosophical ideal to necessity overnight, to engagement and effectiveness leading the list of district priorities, to students and parents continually seeking and gaining greater control over their learning journeys, and finally, district administrators being thrust into the roles of nimble, pivoting quasi-entrepreneurs with increased pressure to retain their students. We are fortunate to have a front row seat to these changes through our portfolio.

Partnering with Entrepreneurs Behind Bootstrapped Ed Tech Companies

We take pride in being a top-50 founder-friendly growth-oriented firm and the only founder-friendly investment firm with a dedicated focus on K12 education technology. With our deep understanding and experience in the K12 market, the Serent team is here to partner with edtech founders like you, helping you navigate the shifting landscape, maximize long-term shareholder value, and generate the impact and results your offerings deserve. Regardless of which corner of this exciting market you are focused on, we look forward to meeting you, hearing about your journey and exploring how we can partner.

Our Specific Areas of Focus for K12 Edtech Investment include:
  • Athletics & PE
  • District Administrative & Other Back Office Tools
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Parent/Student Communication & PTA
  • Safety, Security, Risk & Compliance
  • Student Information Systems (SIS) & Tools
  • Classroom & Learning Tools
  • Extracurriculars / Before & After School
  • Human Resource / Human Capital Management
  • Payments
  • Special Education & ELL
  • Other Departmental Solutions

Growing in the EdTech Market with ParentSquare

Hear why founders love working with Serent

”Serent is different from other firms, they bring more integrity to the table, and they are going to do what they say they are going to do. They are capable, ‘salt of the earth’ people that added a tremendous amount of value and operational resources that helped us grow Diamond Mind. ”

Katherine Novikov Co-Founder, Diamond Mind


”In terms of Serent as a partner, they have shown us that they are exactly who they said they were: an experienced guide who could advise us on how to create value and unlock growth as an organization—all while maintaining our unique culture, mission, and vision as a company.”

Jay Eckard Co-Founder and Board Member, USATestprep


”C2 Education was able to bring on a level of expertise to the board of directors that they wouldn’t have been able to without Serent.”

David Kim Founder and Vice Chairman, C2 Education


”Serent Capital came to understand our business really well. They also knew the space more than any other investors I was speaking to… But Serent Capital also proved their desire to build a relationship with me.”

Bram Belzberg Chairman and CEO, KEV Group


Contact Our Edtech Team

Jacob Zimmer

Vice President

Dexter Hopen


Alison Och

Vice President

Our Edtech Companies

Our Edtech Content and Resources

Serent Snapshot

Will’s Story on Scaling Through Sales and Pricing

watch video

Serent Snapshot

Mike’s Perspective on How Founders and CEOs Can Leverage Their Board

watch video

Serent Snapshot

Bram’s Story on Building His Team for the Next Stage of Growth

watch video

Serent Snapshot

Leigh-Ellen Louie: Using Your Edtech Board Effectively

read article


Positioning Your Company for a Post-Covid-19 World

watch video

Serent Snapshot

From Teachers to Founders: Scaling the USATestprep Vision

read article


Keeping Students Learning Through Covid: C2 Education and USATestprep

read blog


Private Equity Panel with C2 Education and USATestprep

read article

Sector Update

New Education Investments and Upcoming Education Technology Conferences

read article

About Serent Capital

Serent Capital usually commits $20 million to $100 million in equity to profitable, fast-growing K12 edtech companies with flexibility in structure and ownership, including openness to substantial minority (30%+) and majority (50-100%) investments. As part of every investment, Serent commits significant resources, including our in-house growth team and human capital / recruiting team, to help our companies accelerate growth. Serent never charges management fees, consulting fees, or board observation fees. At Serent Capital, we believe in being more than a financial partner – we believe in being an incentives-aligned, growth-oriented true business partner.

Education Verticals We Invest In

  • Early Childhood
  • Higher Ed
  • K12
  • Professional Development