Serent Capital invests in profitable, growing service companies. We typically invest in founder-led companies and often represent the first institutional capital in the company. We are highly selective, choosing to invest in only a handful of businesses each year. Our selectivity ensures that all our companies receive the attention and expertise that they need.
Gold River, CA
Pondera Solutions was founded in 2011 with the singular focus of leveraging the power of cloud computing and advanced analytics to combat fraud, waste, and abuse in large government programs. Since that time, Pondera has helped clients, many of the largest state government programs in the country, to prevent and collect hundreds of millions of dollars in improper payments.Pondera offers a comprehensive cloud solution to help detect, investigate, and enforce fraud, waste, and abuse. The system combines program data with third party consumer and business data and then runs every business, beneficiary, and transaction through a series of procedural and prediction models.The system flags transactions that violate predetermined thresholds and sends an alert to an integrated dashboard “built by investigators, for investigators”. Program integrity staff can then analyze the lead, use the system to investigate the lead, and even create and manage a case for ongoing enforcement activities.
Team Members
Partner (Emeritus)